Release time: 2018-07-11
1.Modification betond the content of patent application;
2.Answering inventiveness;
3.Infroduction of oral hearing,meeting and telephone meeting.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrell
Partner of Gleiss&Große
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design
Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart
Dr. Mattias Kordel
Partner of Gleiss&GroßeGerman Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Appointed Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Esslingen
Speech language: English
Time: April 19th(Thursday), 2018, 16:00-17:00
Location: 18th Floor, Tower B, Grand Place, NO.5 Huizhong Road, Chaoyang Distrcit, Beijing.
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